Night 3 -Raging storm

The band packed up and went home just after sunset and everyone settled down into the evening. A line of people headed to the bathrooms with tooth brushes in hand, others gathering in small groups talking or playing cards. I sat in a chair with my book and enjoyed the cool air. The day has been so hot.

Matt sent me photos of some new houseplants he got and I sent him a picture of storm clouds gathering on the horizon.

I decided it might be a good idea to get in the tent before it started raining. I moved our bikes under a picnic pavilion and joined Riley in the tent. Minutes later the wind started howling and sheets of rain tore across camp.

The wind was so strong it nearly blew our tent over. Riley had to hold on to the tent frame to keep it from collapsing in from the force of the wind. Lightening lit up the tent and loud cracks of thunder rolled over and over.

The wind was blowing away from my side of the tent so I was able look out and watch what was going on outside. Some people were running to buildings and others were huddled on picnic tables under the pavilion.

I changed into my sleeping clothes just before the storm hit so I grabbed my shorts and put them back on and made sure I knew where my shoes were in case we needed to run for shelter.

Matt sent me detailed weather updates and radar of the storm. You’re almost through it. 60kt wind gusts predicted and 1.5 inch hail. 45k ft storm tops. That’s a big one to camp through.

The storm raged for awhile longer, eventually becoming steady rain. Parks and Trails NY staff organized arrangements to transport people to spend the night at a gym in town and a bus to Walmart for those who need to buy dry supplies. They sent out texts and came by every tent to make sure we knew our options. I can’t say enough about how impressed I am with PTNY. Their staff is top-notch.

I’m very glad we were in the tent and that we stayed safe and everything stayed dry. We’ll stay here for the night.

What an adventure!

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