Day 4 – Seneca Falls to Syracuse

The rain stopped sometime during the night and we woke up around 5 AM to the sound of buses bringing the cyclists who slept in the gymnasium in Seneca Falls back to camp. Our tent stayed warm and dry all night but others were not so lucky. Lots of lessons learned about pitching tents on high ground. Feeling optimistic, we slathered on sunscreen after breakfast and followed the orange route markers spray painted on the road toward Syracuse and a new batch of dark, ominous clouds.

The morning route started off fast on 55 mph highways with tractor trailers and fast cars zooming alongside. The rain started just a few minutes later and didn’t let up for a good hour and a half. I am very glad we packed bright colored rain jackets to help make us more visible in these conditions. All of the roads had wide shoulders or bike lanes so it wasn’t as hazardous as it sounds but I relaxed a little more when we got back on the trail.

First stop in Elbridge

The rain stopped shortly after Port Byron and the route continued mostly on paved roads for some distance. I really enjoyed the smooth ride and I even loved climbing the hills, especially when I could pull away from other riders and have some breathing room. I don’t like to ride behind someone else. It’s too distracting to pay attention to their speed, maneuvers, etc. I’d rather just find my rhythm and get in the zone.

The skies cleared and we were rinding in sunshine again not long after leaving Port Byron. Lots more road riding followed until we finally picked up the Canal path again. The dirt/crushed stone trail meandered through the woods for miles. Ruts worn in the soggy patches were avoided by quick detours through the grass. The shade was a welcome respite from the sun. The sunscreen I applied earlier washed off somewhere on Highway 20.

Camillus Landing is the halfway point on the Erie Canal 175 miles from Buffalo and 175 miles from Albany. I heard the cowbells before I saw the people cheering as we rode up.

The smell of hotdogs on the grill made my mouth water. The cereal and blueberries I had for breakfast and the leftover Amish cookie in my bike pack wore off about 15 miles back. Everyone stopped to enjoy the celebration and eat hotdogs, watermelon and fresh baked goods. We listened to a brass band and enjoyed learning some of the history of the canal.

The last 7 miles or so to Burnet Park, the overnight site in Syracuse, were all pretty much uphill. Riley was ready to get off the bike and rest his swollen leg. It didn’t take long to set up our tent, we have the routine down pat at this point. After a shower he had time to chill out for a few hours until time for the half-way celebration this afternoon.

The celebration was hosted at Rosamond Gifford Zoo just down the hill from our campsite. We had a few minutes to wander around and see some of the animals before the open bar reception. One of the best things about this trip is getting to know some of the other 350 cyclists. Dinner followed the reception with live music in the courtyard at the zoo.

201 miles so far this week with 48 or so more tomorrow!

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